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Welcome to the website!

It is based on many years of field work on this spectacular small island and reveals an astonishing plant biodiversity of over 1300 wild flowering plant species and 150 species of ferns squeezed into a rugged 620 square kilometers.

The aim of the web site is to enable Saint Lucians to identify and correctly name plants that they find. It is essentially a field guide (see albums introduction) and not intended to take the place of herbarium specimens which are essential for detailed examination. Hopefully people with an interest in Caribbean botany in general might also find the site useful.

Its worth having a look at the slideshows which reveal the many faces of Saint Lucia - from the arid, rocky Atlantic coast to the cloud covered, cold, elfin shrublands to the magical rock gardens on the summit of Gros Piton.

Please feel free to contact me by email with any question, comments and corrections!
However please note that requests for the export of plant material of any sort must be addressed to the Department of Forestry as must be any proposed collection visits.

Virtually all images are my own. Please contact me if you would like to use any of them. I  often have larger file sizes as well.

I have a Google group Plants of the Antilles so again please contact me if you would like an invitation to join.

Roger Graveson, September 2019.