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Local herbal remedies should only be used under the guidance
of a knowledgeable herbal medicine practioner!

For gonorrhea a tisane is made of Pinzona coriacea,  lyenn chasen, kod-a-vyelon (Desmodium incanum), pistach mawon (Desmodium barbatum), mayok chapel (Entada polystachya), ti patat (Ruellia tuberosa) and a small, immature soursop (Annona muricata).  If you tire easily,  "can’t climb the hill,’’ a piece of the stem is boiled and a tablespoon taken in a glass of water twice a day.  A little piece is cut up and put in water to soak, then the water drunk for "anything that’s wrong with you.’’   lyenn chasen is also used for headache and high blood pressure.

Verna Slane 1987